Weeks Out of Bounds/Elopement Plan

Weeks Families,

We appreciated seeing so many of you at conferences in the last few weeks. It is important that students are in class when class starts. Please talk with your student/s about being to class on time. If they are late without a pass, a referral will be made, and the first step of the Out of Bounds/Elopement Plan will start. This plan has been in place since the first week of October for students who are more than 10 minutes late and without a pass. Now, it includes all students who are late to class for any amount of time, with no viable excuse. We all value learning time and this process will support those who are not in class on time so they may maximize their learning time too.

Choir Concert (1)

Out of Bounds/Elopement:

Student leaves from the classroom without permission but stays inside the building. Examples: wandering through hallways during instructional time, walking out the room while teacher is redirecting student, loitering in unauthorized areas.

The student does not go to class but is inside the building and is unexcused.  Examples: wandering the hallways the entire class, refusing to go to class,

Student arrives to class late without a pass/unexcused.

When a student leave class without permission, the teacher writes a level II referral for the student.

1st step: Teacher Conversation with student and parent contact to inform and determine why the student was out of bounds (document in contact log) (Teacher calls)  Level 2- Out of Bounds referral is completed

2nd step: Assigned seat at lunch and parent contact (document in contact log that the process has been communicated) (Admin/Behavior Strat calls)

3rd step:  Parent meeting scheduled: Behavior Contract written and signed

4th step:  Behavior Contract implemented

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